Welcome to the site.
The purpose is primarily to
educate and inform my
patients, past present and
future, their families and
carers, and their GPs
regarding the surgical
conditions they are likely
to be referred to me for.
- Follow me on
There is a lot of very good information available on the internet. Unfortunately, much of it can be difficult to find. Through this site, I hope to be able to direct you to high quality, up to date information on the conditions I see and treat. I aim to keep abreast of developments in my specialty areas and, if you like, you can do so too by following me on Facebook and Twitter.
I am always happy to see new patients as well as reacquainting myself with those I've treated before. If you are a new patient, you will need to be referred by your general practitioner or other specialist.
Out-patient clinics are held twice a week for NHS patients at the County Hospital, Hereford. I see private patients at the Hereford Nuffield Hospital on Monday afternoons and evenings but I can accommodate other times if necessary.
I can always be contacted by GPs for emergency advice or referral. Feel free to contact me directly by mobile phone or via my secretaries, Dawn Burch (NHS) on 01432 364122 or Celia Pritchard (private patients) on 07896 201417 or 01432 364028